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Guillermo Marconi 657, Spegazzini,
Ezeiza, Pcia. de Buenos Aires
54 11 345 6789 . 54 11 345 6789 .ar

Our plant


Guillermo Marconi 657, Spegazzini, Ezeiza, Pcia. de Buenos Aires.
The main activity of our firm is to process and sell chemical products for agriculture in our own plant in the province of Buenos Aires, 45 kilometers from the main harbour of Argentina and 10 kilometers from the Ezeiza´s international airport.

Environmental protection

The professionalism of our staff is essential to ensure sustainable development. We focus on enhancing and exceeding the requirements asked by regulatory authorities, being in this way a safe industry. We are constantly committed to improving sustainability and we have taken huge steps forward in consolidating this goal that makes us proud of our company.

Quality Laboratory

In our laboratory, we identify the active ingredients of our formulations, the level of purity of our products and their quality. Identifying the quality of our chemicals, and possessing tools to elaborate new outputs is one of the main characteristics of our commitment to technology and excellence. We have the latest generation equipment to validate our products, according to international standards such as AOAC, CIPAC, IRAM, among others.


Agrofácil is a company that considers safety and environmental care to be essential values. Therefore, we apply them to all the factors involved in production, distribution and usage in the various processes we carry out.